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Dear Kerrie,

Welcome to the August 2014 edition of The Kells Report – helping you make better legal decisions…

A $50 million Mistake? The Biggest Australian PPSA Case Yet

by Amy Harper

If recent media reports of impending legal proceedings in the Supreme Court of NSW by the receivers of Forge Group Limited are correct, a failure by APR Energy to register its interest on the Personal Property Securities Register ('PPSR') may have cost APR Energy a whopping $50 million… Read more >>

SMSF Limited Recourse Borrowing – Stamp Duty Changes

by Roger Downs

Legislation before the NSW parliament will have an impact on self managed superannuation fund (SMSF) borrowings to acquire assets and the transfer of property by member into the SMSF…Read more >>

Rights to be a Bigot Abandoned

by Adam Bye (Co-written by Law Cadet, Cailin Schouten)

On 5 August 2014, the Prime Minister announced the Federal Government would be backing down on the amendment of section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, stating the reasons for this was the preservation of national "unity."…Read more >>

Powers and Duties of Mortgagees

by Michael Hatfield (Co-written by Law Cadet, Sam Troutman)

For many people in Australia a mortgage is something they will only encounter once in their lives. For many others though finance through mortgaging property is a key part of growing their business. This article will examine some issues around the power of sale and personal covenants under a mortgage. Read more>>

Kells Building & Construction Law Update

by Roger Downs

Kells is hosting a building and construction industry update on Wednesday 10 September 2014.  This update will ensure you have the knowledge and the tools to stay ahead of the game in the competitive and ever changing market place of the building and construction industry.

The update will cover three main topics:

  • Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act Refresh and New Changes;

  • Important Cases in Construction; and

  • WHS Act and the National Code of Practice for Construction Work

Who Should Attend?

  • Builders and Property Developers;

  • Project Managers;

  • Tradespeople; and

  • Business Owners who supply goods or consultancy services to the construction industry

If you are interested in attending, please click here to access the invitation and registration form.

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